In this episode of New England Living, Parker Kelley visits the wonderfully colorful home of Lani Stiles. Lani lives in Camden, Maine, with her four-year-old son. She owns a beloved local store, Megunticook Market. Her house is just a short walk to downtown Camden, which has a number of local shops and great restaurants, but the property is surrounded by trees, so the home has the privacy of a cabin the woods.
Lani’s home lets in lots of natural light and colors from outside with beautiful large windows. She wanted to have a house that encouraged an outdoorsy lifestyle. A wraparound porch has proven the perfect tricycle route for a certain little someone, and a mudroom has to be one of Lani’s favorite additions. “Mud rooms are very important in Maine,” she says. “The weather can really be not that great and you need a place to drop all your things so you’re not tracking things in and out.”
The kitchen is a magnet for guests with ample seating and the cheery bright blues of the kitchen island and cabinets draw you in. The dining room has a long wooden table that was custom designed by the home’s designer and builder, Phi Builders and Architects. The house is very open, which is exactly what Lani wanted, but it is broken up into separate sections for sitting, eating, reading, and, of course, playing.
Watch the full show of Episode 4 of Season 1.
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